Saturday, 5 March 2011

BSL Talk: Gabriel Orozco

Normally, there will be every first 4th in every month is BSL Tate Talk. 

On 4th March, they going to talk to us about new mexican artist called Gabriel Orozco. What a fine artist! Once I read the info from the a4 sheet of paper have been hand out, and it is said " Gabriel Orozco's name is close in sound to the name of Mark Rothko who is much more famous." eh? what is the heck is he talking about?! Let me tell you something, Mark Rothko is FAR more famous artist and very well-known for abstract painter. Lovely, is he?! :) But Orozco, I have never heard of him before his work display in Tate. He wasn't famous back then. Honestly, they suppose not talk about word 'famous' yet cos we need to know bit more about him before we can compare them or not.

Enough for me to waffle. Ha. Anyway, there is already over 100 deaf people turn up! Shocking, wasn't it? So I and my mate Jonathan have been to that exhibit before and we already know lots about him by observation, analysis and feeling inspire from his art works. So we are up for it to go and see his works again through BSL Talk. Actually, we get bit annoyed by deaf people chatting and not listening. No comments. We weren't that inspire by Dick Thomas giving us a lecture because of his not enough depth talk about his artworks. Say nothing more.

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